contraceptive pill

美 [ˌkɑːntrəˈseptɪv pɪl]英 [ˌkɒntrəˈseptɪv pɪl]
  • 网络避孕药
contraceptive pillcontraceptive pill


a contraceptive in the form of a pill containing estrogen and progestin to inhibit ovulation and so prevent conception
Synonym: pill birth control pill oral contraceptive pill oral contraceptive anovulatory drug anovulant


  1. It was at that time she started taking the contraceptive pill .


  2. The contraceptive pill is the worst offender , but it is not the only drug to deplete the body 's vitamin levels .


  3. There are two types of contraceptive pill available and these are described overleaf .


  4. Migrants have very poor knowledge on emergency contraceptive pill usage .


  5. Being on the contraceptive pill could be the reason , according to British scientists .


  6. He was studying the connection between cardiovascular disease and extended use of the contraceptive pill .


  7. Men and women have long been promised a male version of the female contraceptive pill .


  8. A NEW contraceptive pill that lets women go four months without a period will go on sale this week .


  9. Pincus told her that hormones held the key to a contraceptive pill .


  10. There is evidence that some kinds of cancers are linked with the contraceptive pill .


  11. Effect analysis of oral contraceptive pill and metformine on infertility patients with polycystic ovary syndrome


  12. Effects of Compound Containing Gypenosides with Chinese NO. 1 Contraceptive Pill on the Lipid Metabolism and Blood Pressure in Healthy Reproductive Women


  13. Levonorgestrel , the most widely used emergency contraceptive pill , is only effective if women take it within three days of having sex .


  14. OBJECTIVE : To examine the frequencies of reported symptoms by oral contraceptive pill ( OCP ) composition among French women .


  15. Other important milestones recommended for the top prize included the development of imaging techniques , the contraceptive pill , immunology and computers .


  16. Influence of Long-term Taking Low Dose Chinese No. 1 Contraceptive Pill on Women 's T & cell Subsets . Immunoglobulins and Complement C3


  17. Influence of Long-term Administration of Low Dose Chinese Contraceptive Pill No.1 on Lipoprotein , Apolipoprotein AI , Apolipoprotein B and Lipoperoxide


  18. A worrying trend among young Chinese girls is to rub a paste made of crushed contraceptive pill into their scalp and hair .


  19. Use of the contraceptive pill is down by nearly a fifth , but use of condoms is up by more than a third .


  20. Low-dose oral contraceptive pill for dysmenorrhea associated with endometriosis : a placebo-controlled , double-blind , randomized trial .


  21. To evaluate the efficacy of a low-dose oral contraceptive pill ( OCP ) for patients with dysmenorrhea associated with endometriosis .


  22. Results Of the 172 respondents , 43.6 % were aware of urgent contraceptive pill , but only 2.9 % had ever used it to prevent pregnancy .


  23. It is elevated by infections , inflammatory conditions , insulin resistance , and certain hormones such as those in the contraceptive pill or HRT .


  24. Critics argue that men lack women 's motivation to prevent pregnancy , making it hard for women to trust them to take a contraceptive pill , the report said .


  25. The hormones from the contraceptive pill and HRT have been blamed for feminising fish , leading to male fish producing eggs .


  26. Breastfeeding is not advisable if you 're taking the combination oral contraceptive pill ( COC ), which contains both estrogen and progestin .


  27. Yaz Flex is a new version of the existing monthly contraceptive pill Yaz and both contain a combination of hormones that over time help reduce acne .


  28. In 2003 , two FDA advisory committees ruled that the emergency contraceptive pill , known as Plan B , was safe enough to be sold over the counter .


  29. ScienceDaily ( Aug.12,2008 ) & The contraceptive pill may disrupt women 's natural ability to choose a partner genetically dissimilar to themselves , research at the University of Liverpool has found .


  30. WASHINGTON ( Reuters ) - A federal judge on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit seeking to halt sales of the only " morning-after " contraceptive pill available in the United States without a prescription .
